Benjamin Netanyahu, a significant player in Israeli politics, was born in the bustling metropolis of Tel Aviv in 1949. His family history is a patchwork of varied influences and events that shaped his life’s path.
His mother, Tzila Segal, was born in Petah Tikva, in the Ottoman Empire’s Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, and his father, Benzion Netanyahu, in Warsaw, Poland. Benzion Netanyahu was a well-known historian who specialized in the Jewish Golden Age of Spain. Nathan Mileikowsky, Benjamin’s paternal grandpa, was not only a rabbi but also a zealous Zionist writer.
Following his migration to Israel, Benjamin’s father decided to hebraize the family surname, changing “Mileikowsky” to “Netanyahu,” which means “God has given.” Netanyahu has disclosed that a DNA test indicated a trace of Sephardic ancestry, despite the fact that his heritage is primarily Ashkenazi. He boldly asserts that he is descended from the well-known Jewish historian Vilna Gaon.
Netanyahu was raised in Jerusalem, where he attended the Henrietta Szold Elementary School, as the second of three children. His sixth-grade teacher Ruth Rubenstein’s appraisal of him highlighted his responsibility, punctuality, and upbeat and disciplined attitude, characterizing him as a kind, polite, and helpful student.
Benjamin Netanyahu currently resides on Azza Street in Jerusalem.
The official residence of the Prime Minister of Israel is Beit Aghion, located at the corner of Balfour and Smolenskin streets in Rehavia, Jerusalem.