Mongolia and Lebanon lock horns at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneshwar, India, for matchday two of the 2023 Intercontinental Cup on Monday (June 12).
The two sides oversaw contrasting results in their opening games on Friday, as Mongolia were beaten 2-0 by hosts India, while Lebanon beat Vanuatu 3-1. Mongolia's defeat continued their losing run in 2023, having lost 6-1 to Georgia in a friendly in March.
The Blue Wolves conceded early to India. Sahal Samad broke the deadlock in the opening minute before Lallianzuala Changte doubled their advantage 13 minutes later. Ichiro Otsuka's side closed the gates in the second half to prevent India from scoring further, but the damage was already done.
If Mongolia are to stand a chance of reaching the final, it's imperative for them to pick up a win here, although its far easier said than done against a Lebanon team buzzing after their opening win.
Lebanon made light work of Vanuatu. Nader Matar opened the scoring for the Cedars in the 59th minute before Welwel equalised for the Oceania outfit two minutes later.
However, Hassan Kourani and Karim Darwich scored for the Middle Eastern side late on to give them a winning start in the cup. Another win will all but confirm their place in the final.
Mongolia were run ragged by India in the opening game. The scoreline could've been more had the hosts been a bit more clinical with their chances. Lebanon, meanwhile, enjoyed a goal-crazy outing against Vanuatu, which would have done their confidence a world of good.
Both teams, though, lack genuine quality, so expect the Cedars to prevail narrowly.
Prediction: Mongolia 0-1 Lebanon
Tip 1 - Result: Lebanon
Tip 2 - Goals over/under 2.5: Under 2.5
Tip 3 - Both teams to score: No
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