Bruce Cassidy, the head coach of the Vegas Golden Knights, has a loving and supportive wife named Julie Cassidy. Julie, formerly known as Julie Ann Kabous, was born on Nov. 19, 1971, making her six years younger than her husband. Together, they have built a beautiful family, including their two children, Shannon Cassidy and Cole Cassidy.
Julie Cassidy has had an accomplished career of her own. She previously worked as a lobbyist in the American Gas Association and held an executive position at Motorola's global government relations office.
She dedicated four years of her career to Motorola Solutions Inc. after her tenure with the American Gas Association from 2001 to 2004. Julie's commitment to her professional endeavors showcases her dedication and drive.
Bruce and Julie Cassidy have been happily married for over a decade, supporting each other through the highs and lows of life. They currently reside in a stunning $4.9 million home in Las Vegas, creating a warm and loving environment for their children.
Their eldest child, Shannon Cassidy, is 18 months older than her brother Cole. Both children attended a Montessori school where they had the opportunity to learn Chinese. Additionally, Bruce has a son named Luke from a previous relationship, who is currently studying at Vanderbilt University and pursuing a hockey career as a goaltender for the Vanderbilt hockey team.
Bruce Cassidy's career began in the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) with the Ottawa 67's, where he showcased his skills from 1982 to 1985. Cassidy's exceptional performance caught the attention of the Chicago Black Hawks, who selected him in the first round, 18th overall, in the 1983 NHL Entry Draft.
During his time in the OHL, Bruce Cassidy's best season came in 1982–83 when he notched an impressive 111 points, consisting of 25 goals and 86 assists. His remarkable play helped lead the Ottawa 67's to victory in the Memorial Cup in 1984, where Cassidy contributed 12 points to the team's success under the guidance of coach Brian Kilrea.
Unfortunately, Cassidy's NHL aspirations faced significant challenges due to a series of knee surgeries, including major reconstruction of his ACL. These injuries limited his playing time with the Chicago Blackhawks between 1985 and 1990.
In 1994, Bruce Cassidy returned to the Chicago Blackhawks, playing for the Indianapolis Ice until his retirement as a player 10 games into the 1996–97 season. Despite leaving his playing days behind, Cassidy's passion for the game remained unwavering. He transitioned into coaching, taking on the role of head coach with the Jacksonville Lizard Kings of the ECHL midway through the 1996–97 season.
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